Ampersand Media Pricing
Last Updated: 6/1/2022
$0.00 Per Hour
Free 30 minute consultation with new clients to discuss their business and project needs
$39.99 Per Hour
Hours spent on projects such as Squarespace website design, social media campaign setup, miscellaneous design work, content creation, etc.
$29.99 Per Month
Includes up to two and a half (2.5) hours of updates to your website; Additional hours will be billed at a rate of $24.99 per hour
$24.99 Per Hour
Additional hours of work completed after initial two and a half (2.5) hours of work included with Monthly Website Maintenance line item
$19.99 Per Hour
Hourly one-on-one training of the Squarespace platform, from basics, to advanced features.
$19.99 Per Hour
Billable hours for time spent on consultation via phone, email, SMS, etc.
10% of Monthly Media Spend
Defined as a fixed percentage (10%) of monthly media spend; Applicable to media run on behalf of client across all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
5% of Total Invoice Due
Fee for online payment processing, applied to invoices for clients who pay online
5% of Total Invoice Due
Late fees are assessed at 5% of the total invoice amount due, and will begin to accumulate on the 16th day that payment is not received after an invoice is issued; The fee will increase by 5% every 15 days the payment falls past due